Мастер-класс по английскому языку на тему «Личное письмо» (11 класс)
по английскому языку
Тема мастер-класса: «Подготовка учащихся к ЕГЭ: обучение написанию личного письма».
Цель: Научить слушателей писать личные письма на английском языке с учетом специфики требований ЕГЭ
Обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Письма».
Презентация учебно-методического материала для обучения написанию письма.
Представить слушателям наиболее распространенные фразы-клише, используемые при написании дружеских писем.
Познакомить с требованиями ЕГЭ к заданию 1С «Личное письмо».
Рассмотреть наиболее распространенные ошибки на примере работ учащихся.
Научить слушателей на практике отвечать на дружеское письмо.
Используемые образовательные технологии: проблемный метод обучения, групповые технологии, компьютерные технологии обучения.
Ожидаемый результат работы мастер – класса: передача способов деятельности (приемов, методов и технологий) участникам.
Приветствие и сообщение участникам целей мастер-класса
Обобщение знаний участников по предложенной теме
Рассмотрение наиболее распространенных фраз неформального стиля
Презентация «Личное письмо» (предъявление требований ЕГЭ)
Выявление наиболее распространенных ошибок учащихся
Написание ответа на дружеское письмо
Подведение итогов мастер-класса
Ход мероприятия:
Приветствие и сообщение участникам целей мастер-класса
(Слайд 1) Hello everybody! I am glad to see you and hope the master class will be useful for every its participant.People wrote letters many years ago.Look at the screen.(слайд 1). Have you ever written English letters? (слайд 2) Do you remember your letters to Mr President, to Santa Clause and to the Queen? You can see them here.
Обобщение знаний участников по предложенной теме
What are the parts of a letter? Look at the screen. (слайд 3) Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing, Signature.
Какая часть письма сообщает, где вы находитесь и когда вы пишете? (Заголовок)
Он располагается слева или справа? (Справа)
Какая информация содержится в первой строчке? (номер дома и улица)
Что идет первым – номер дома или улица? (номер дома)
Почтовый индекс расположен после или перед названием страны? (перед)
В чем разница написания даты по-английски и по-русски? (мы сначала пишем дату, потом месяц, а англичане месяц потом дату)
В какой части письма мы здороваемся? Русские ставят после приветствия восклицательный знак, а англичане…?
Сколько абзацев в основной части? Они с красной строки?
Как мы завершаем письмо? Как располагается эта часть письма?
Take these reminders.
Yesterday I received a letter from my friend Lena. She lives in Manchester and usually writes her letters in English. But the letter was so strange! I guess it was something wrong with her computer. Help me to put the parts of the letter in the correct order. (слайд 4)
Рассмотрение наиболее распространенных фраз неформального стиля
Давайте обратимся к материалу, который я вам раздала. Useful Vocabulary.
Прочитаем с переводом фразы – первую и последнюю из каждой колонки таблицы. Подобные фразы помогут вам соединить части письма между собой, сделают его логически связным.
Презентация «Личное письмо» (предъявление требований ЕГЭ)
Скажите, сейчас вы смогли бы помочь мне с ответом на письмо Лены из Манчестера? А что если я усложню задачу? Мы не просто ответим на него, но учтём при этом требования ЕГЭ. (слайд 5-11)
Выявление наиболее распространенных ошибок учащихся
Каждый из вас сейчас получит письмо. По содержанию все варианты одинаковы, но каждый из них содержит ошибку. Ошибка не в лексике или грамматике, а в организации письма. Ваша задача совместными усилиями выявить эти ошибки и изложить их. Работаем в группе, количество ошибок равно количеству вариантов письма. Возьмите ручку, желательно красную, и укажите ошибки. Учащиеся перечисляют выявленные недочеты, затем (слайд 12) Вот как выглядит письмо, написанное в соответствии с требованиями. (слайд 13)
Написание ответа на дружеское письмо
Well, I hope now you can help me with my letter. But remember the rules of letter writing. (слайд 14)
Dear Lena,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
You are asking me about my argument with my neighbor. I have thought about the problem a lot. You were right our relationship is much more important than that argument about my neighbor’s dog. Liza is a very nice girl. She always helps me when I’m in need. Sometimes she looks after my children. I try to help her as well. So I am going to call Liza and invite her for a cup of tea.
By the way, I would like to ask you some questions about your sister’s visit. When is she coming? Is she on her holidays? Will she come alone or with her husband?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Подведение итогов мастер-класса
(слайд 15) Есть ли у вас вопросы по написанию личных писем? …
У меня к вам вопрос, что из нашего занятия запомнилось больше всего? …(слайд 16) Получите практическое задание на дом. Каждому из вас я написала письмо. Постарайтесь ответить на него с учетом всех требований.
Благодарю за внимание! Goodbye!
ЕГЭ по английскому языку. «Правила игры». Письмо. Задание С1 (английский язык 11 класс)
Английский язык, 10 — 11 Класcы- 1 класс
- 2 класс
- 3 класс
- 4 класс
- 5 класс
- 6 класс
- 7 класс
- 8 класс
- 9 класс
- 10 класс
- 11 класс
- Алгебра
- Геометрия
- Математика
- Информатика
- Обществознание
План урока английского языка по теме «Письмо другу (неформальное письмо)». УМК «Spotlight» 11 класс .
План урока английского языка по теме «Письмо другу (неформальное письмо)».
По УМК «Spotlight» 11 класс .
Учитель английского языка
Татьяна Николаевна Курбатова
Тема урока «Письмо другу».
Цель урока: Научить обучающихся писать письмо неформального стиля.
Задачи урока: 1) Повторить структуру письма неформального стиля, ознакомить с лексикой, тренировать вопросительные предложения.
2) Развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, письма.
3) Формировать умения общаться и работать в команде,
содействовать воспитанию культуры общения.
Оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор, стереосистема. На уроке используется презентация выполненная в программе MS Power Point, аудиозапись.
I. Организационный момент , приветствие.
II. Разминка: Прослушайте песню “The letter” в исполнении группы “Box Tops” и ответьте на вопросы: Why is the singer going home? What did the girl write in this letter? Is it a formal letter?
Попытайтесь сформулировать
тему урока. What are we going to speak about?Do you write letters to your friends or relatives? How often?
Why is it important for us to learn writing letters in spite of the fact it is
not a popular means of communication nowadays?
III. Теория написания письма. Прочитайте утверждения и скажите какие из них правильные, а какие ложные.
1. You needn’t write the date at the end of the letter.
You need to have paragraphs in the letter.
You should avoid using contractions (don’t, can’t, etc.).
You should use phrasal verbs.
You needn’t ask questions in your letter.
Punctuation is important.
You need to write your name and surname at the end of the letter.
IV Ознакомление с лексикой.
A. Какие фразы мы используем
to greet your friend?
to ask about his or her things?
to refer to his or her news?
to give your news?
to make a suggestions?
to write closing expressions?
to sign your letter?
B. Выберите правильный вариант.
Dear Miss Alison,
Dear Alison,
Hi, Alison
Hamilton Street,4 , London
4 Hamilton Street
The 9 March
9th March / March 9th, 2012
March the 9th
The ninth of March
Завершающая фраза
Good bye!
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes,
C. Полезные выражения
Распределите следующие выражения в две колонки.
Начало письма Конец письма
Give my love/regards to your parents.
Thanks very much for your letter.
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for ages.
Good luck with your exams!
Hope to see you soon.
I got your letter yesterday.
I must stop now and catch the post.
I’m looking forward to seeing you.
It seems a long time since I last wrote.
Keep in touch.
It was so nice to hear from you.
Say hallo to Laura.
Well, that’s enough for now.
I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time.
Write soon.
Drop me a line.
Грамматика. Вопросительные предложения.
Расположите слова в правильном порядке.
did/ like/ what/ you/ doing/ at school
when/ decide/ you/ did/ an actor/ to become
how/ parents/ your/ react/ did
what/ job/ first/ your/ was
what/ of/ books/ do/ kind/ like/ read/ to/ you
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
We live in the old town.
I got married 20 years ago.
I play basketball best.
I like to wear big wooly pullovers.
I go to the cinema at least once a week.
The journey takes about 6 hours from here.
My best friend invited me to the party.
Работа в группах по четыре человека. Задайте вопросы другу по переписке по теме указанной в письме.
You and your family are planning to visit your pen friend Bill in England. He would like to know when you are going to come, if he should meet you at the airport, what places you’d like to visit.
Write him a letter , ask him about his favourite food.
I’m very glad to get your photo, you look so happy. By the way, where did you take this photo? Where did you go on your holidays? What was the weather like? What did you like doing there?
Write a letter to your pen friend Richard from Britain. Ask him three questions about the place where he lives.
My Mum often complains that I spend too much time on sports. She is afraid I’ll fail my exams to the University. Are you going to enter the University? Do you and your friends spend much time on sports? Why/ why not? What’s your parents’ attitude towards it?
As for my latest news, my Dad has just returned from Africa…
Write a letter to your pen friend Joshua. Ask him three questions about his Dad’s trip to Africa.
Закрепление, повторение структуры письма.
Расположите следующие утверждения в правильном порядке согласно плану написания письма.
Put Love , or Best wishes, and then put my first name.
Put Dear and my pen friend’s first name, followed by a comma.
Write my address and the date.
Say good buy and tell my pen friend to write back.
Make more suggestions and give further advice.
Say hallo and thank my pen friend for the letter.
Make my first suggestions and give some advice.
Напишите письмо
You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Wendy who
… Yesterday we had School Science Week. Do you have such an event at your
school? What kind of events do you have and what are they about? How do you
prepare for them?
…Yesterday I took my younger sister to the Zoo …
Write a letter to Wendy.
In your letter
answer her questions
ask 3 questions her visit to the Zoo.
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Домашнее задание стр.135 учебника, написать письмо другу
Подведение итогов урока.
Основная часть II Знакомство со структурой и правилами написания письма личного характера в формате ЕГЭ III Тренировка учащихся в написании письма личного характера в формате ЕГЭ | Учитель знакомит учащихся со структурой и правилами написания писем личного характера. Учитель знакомит учащихся с заданием. Учащиеся читают образец письма. Учитель еще раз обращает внимание учащихся на правила написания писем личного характера. Учащиеся получают задание в течение 20 мин. написать письмо личного характера стимулом для которого является отрывок из письма друга по переписке. | Слайды № 3- № 18 | Nowadays, social networking sites have put an end to the activity of writing letters, as it has become so easy to just «meet» people from other cultures online. Children have lost the feeling of accomplishment we used to get when writing a letter by hand. Granted that e-mails are obviously more efficient, as you get an answer practically immediately, but in an age where LOL and BRB are part of our everyday language, writing letters feels- whether electronically or by using pen and paper -almost archaic. Thankfully, letter writing is still an intrinsic part of our language exam, and in light of this we should look at both ways in which letters can be written- informally and formally. When writing letters, it is important to remember who the reader will be — a friend, family member or potential employer, what points you would like to write about, and any other information you would think is important for the person to know. This week we shall take a look at informal letter writing. An informal letter or a personal letter is a letter to a close friend or an acquaintance. There are no hard and fast rules Macabout how to write an informal letter but you may find some of the phrases below useful. Your address should be written on the top right- hand side of the page. St. Petersburg Russia After you have written the address, leave a line and write the date. September 7 th, 2011 7 September 2011 07/09/2011 After skipping a line, the salutation would go on the left-hand side of the page. The most common salutation in an informal letter is “Dear….” (note that it is followed by a comma) Dear Tim, Dear Rebecca, Here are a few things you should take note of: The start of the first paragraph, which would be the start of your letter, should be indented slightly to the right. Over here you would greet the person you are writing to: Thank you for your letter, it was lovely to hear from you. Thanks a lot for your last letter. Your last letter was a real surprise. I was glad to get your letter. It was great to hear from you! It was great to hear that … I was happy to hear … And maybe make some excuse Sorry I haven’t written for so long but … Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy wit h my school. And offer a comment about the reason that the person wrote to you- for example: if a person wrote to tell you about passing an important test, or maybe having a great time in London, you would offer congratulations: I’m glad you passed your History test! Sounds like you had a great time in London! Great news about …! Well done on passing your test/ getting that promotion. In the second paragraph, you might offer answers to questions the person might have asked you in the letter- maybe asking for an opinion or advice. — Expressions used when giving an opinion: In my opinion…, It’s my belief that…, I definitely think that … — Expressions used when giving advice or making a suggestion: If I were you I would…. Why not try… I suggest that…, You should perhaps… It is always a good idea to ask questions in the body of the letter that you would like the person to answer in the reply. Questions work as a good base on which to write a letter, and they give the recipient motivation to reply. So you would then ask some questions back- for more information and also write something about what has been happening in your life too. After writing all that you need to say, you should let the reader know that the letter is coming to a close. You could use expressions such as: Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show. Then you should ask the reader to keep in contact: Write back soon! Take care and keep in touch! Drop me a letter when you can. Hope to hear from you soon. I can’t wait to hear from you! When ending a letter you could sign off with a variety of expressions… obviously keep in mind the person you are writing to. In informal letter writing, the complimentary close is always very friendly: Love, Lot’s of love, All my love, All the best, Best wishes, With best wishes, Yours, Remember, a comma always follows the complimentary close. You should end your letter with a signature: Andrew Kate Here are a few things you should take note of: In informal letter writing we use
Task 1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve who writes …. At school we are doing projects on reading habits of people in different countries. Could you tell me what kind of books you and the members of your family like reading? As for the family news, my sister got married last week … |
Личное письмо 7-9 класс. Задания
Предлагаемые ниже темы по английскому языку раздела «Личное письмо» рекомендуются с целью активизации письменной речи и тренировки формата личного письма, а также последующей подготовки к экзамену. Как известно, задания по теме «Личное письмо» уже окончательно вошли в формат экзамена по английскому языку в 9 и 11 классе. Такие задания полезно начинать отрабатывать уже в 5 классе, так как они помогают активизировать пассивный словарный запас школьника. Выражаю благодарность Строковой A. В. за помощь в работе над данным разделом.
Личное письмо. Темы 7 — 9 класс
Ранее в статье Личное письмо 5-6 класс. Задания были предложены следующие 12 тем для отработки: Summer Holidays, My School, My Family, My Pet, My School Friends, Books, Travelling to London, My Best Friend, Favourite Animals, My Day, School Trips, Parties, Helping about the House.
В данной статье предлагаются следующие темы:
- At Weekends
- Books
- Family
- Food
- Sports
- Parties
- Travelling (2 варианта)
- Seasons
- Ecological Problems (2 варианта)
- Winter Holidays
- Summer Holidays
- Future Profession (2 варианта)
- Health
- Shopping
* * *
Задание. Прочитай отрывок из письма твоего друга из Англии. Напиши ему ответное письмо.Объем вашего письма должен составлять 100-120 слов.
1. Тема «At Weekends»
…Every weekend we try to go somewhere by car. Where would you prefer to go — to the countryside or to a new town? Why? How do you usually spend your weekends? Who do you like to spend your weekends with?
* * *
2. Тема «Books»
… Some of my friends don’t read books. As for me, there is nothing like a good book! Do you read summaries instead of real books, why or why not? Can you get a good grade in Literature, if you do so? What book are you reading now?…
* * *
3. Тема «Family»
..My Granny was 83 yesterday, but she’s still full of life. All our big and friendly family gathered to her birthday. What can you say about your family? How often and for what occasions do you meet? What do you like to do together?
* * *
4. Тема «Food»
…Yesterday I cooked pizza myself! Yummy! What do you think of pizza and fast food in general? What do you usually have for lunch? What can you cook yourself, if you need to?
* * *
5. Тема «Sports»
..Hooray! I finally made for the school basketball team! Tomorrow is my first game. Are you fond of sports? Why? What do you think of the last Olympic games in Sochi? What’s the best way of spending free time for you?
* * *
6. Тема «Parties»
……I will be 15 in two weeks. So I would like to have a birthday party. My parents advise me to organize a barbecue party. But I think I’d better have it at home because the weather is so unpredictable. Can you give me some advice? What do you usually do at the parties in your country? What music do you play? I wish you were at my party, too.
* * *
7. 1. Тема «Travelling»
……my father wants to go to Egypt during these winter holidays. But I think I’d better go to the USA. What country would you visit? What places of interest would you like to see?
* * *
7. 2. Тема «Travelling»
…my father suggested our visiting Rome or Paris this summer. I think I’d better go to Paris but I’m not sure. What city would you visit?
* * *
8. 1. Тема «Seasons»
… Today is Sunday, but I feel bored and unhappy. It’s already been raining hard for two days and there’s nothing to do at home…
* * *
8. 2. Тема «Seasons»
…What is your favourite season and why? What do you do when the weather is rainy? How do you usually spend your weekends? …
* * *
9. 1. Тема «Ecological Problems»
…One of my friends gets ill very often. The doctor says that it’s because he lives in a big city with a poor environment… …What ecological problems are the most serious in your country? What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner? Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why? …
* * *
9. 2. Тема «Ecological Problems»
… Yesterday we had a class where we discussed different ecological problems. Our teacher suggested opening an eco-club, where we can do something useful for the environment …
…What ecological problem do you consider the most serious? What can young people do to protect the environment? Do you think ecological problems should be discussed at school, and why?…
* * *
10. Тема «Winter Holidays»
… Most of my classmates like summer. But I like winter holidays. I’m keen on skating, and in winter I’ve got lots of opportunities to do my hobby.
…When do you have your school holidays in Russia? Which holidays are the shortest? Which holidays are your favourite and why? …
* * *
11. Тема «Summer Holidays»
… You’ve probably seen the photos which I took on my holiday. During the rainy days we are having now they bring back good memories! The summer, the countryside, the mountains, the time when I could ride my bicycle all day long! …
…Where did you spend your last summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? What holidays do you like more (summer or winter holidays) and why?…
* * *
12.1. Тема «Future Profession»
I can’t choose whether to become a teacher or an interpreter. Both professions have their advantages and disadvantages. What would you advise me?
* * *
12.2. Тема «Future Profession»
I think I’d like to be an interpreter or a translator because I like English and I also do well at our French lessons. My teacher thinks it’ll be good if I take lessons of German, too, so I’ll start learning it this year. We are going to have so much work this year! Do you also have to study much? Do you have any free time to enjoy yourself?
* * *
13. Тема «Health»
Yesterday my best friend fell ill and his mother called a doctor. I worried about him… What should people do to be healthy? Do you visit a doctor regularly? Why? What food is good for health?
* * *
14. Тема «Shopping»
This entry was posted in Письменная речь / Письмо и эссе.Yesterday my brother and I went shopping. Our mother asked us to buy some vegetables for dinner. Who goes shopping in your family? Where do you go when you need to buy something? Do you like to go shopping? Why?
Конспект урока английского языка «Письмо личного характера в формате ЕГЭ» 11 класс
Nowadays, social networking sites have put an end to the activity of writing letters, as it has become so easy to just «meet» people from other cultures online. Children have lost the feeling of accomplishment we used to get when writing a letter by hand. Granted that e-mails are obviously more efficient, as you get an answer practically immediately, but in an age where LOL and BRB are part of our everyday language, writing letters feels- whether electronically or by using pen and paper -almost archaic. Thankfully, letter writing is still an intrinsic part of our language exam, and in light of this we should look at both ways in which letters can be written- informally and formally.
When writing letters, it is important to remember who the reader will be — a friend, family member or potential employer, what points you would like to write about, and any other information you would think is important for the person to know. This week we shall take a look at informal letter writing.
An informal letter or a personal letter is a letter to a close friend or an acquaintance.
There are no hard and fast rules Macabout how to write an informal letter but you may find some of the phrases below useful.
Your address should be written on the top right- hand side of the page.
St. Petersburg
After you have written the address, leave a line and write the date.
September 7 th, 2011
7 September 2011
After skipping a line, the salutation would go on the left-hand side of the page.
The most common salutation in an informal letter is “Dear….” (note that it is followed by a comma)
Dear Tim,
Dear Rebecca,
Here are a few things you should take note of:
The start of the first paragraph, which would be the start of your letter, should be indented slightly to the right. Over here you would greet the person you are writing to:
Thank you for your letter, it was lovely to hear from you.
Thanks a lot for your last letter.
Your last letter was a real surprise.
I was glad to get your letter.
It was great to hear from you!
It was great to hear that …
I was happy to hear …
And maybe make some excuse
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but …
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy wit h my school.
And offer a comment about the reason that the person wrote to you- for example: if a person wrote to tell you about passing an important test, or maybe having a great time in London, you would offer congratulations:
I’m glad you passed your History test!
Sounds like you had a great time in London!
Great news about …!
Well done on passing your test/ getting that promotion.
In the second paragraph, you might offer answers to questions the person might have asked you in the letter- maybe asking for an opinion or advice.
— Expressions used when giving an opinion:
In my opinion…,
It’s my belief that…,
I definitely think that …
— Expressions used when giving advice or making a suggestion:
If I were you I would….
Why not try…
I suggest that…,
You should perhaps…
It is always a good idea to ask questions in the body of the letter that you would like the person to answer in the reply. Questions work as a good base on which to write a letter, and they give the recipient motivation to reply.
So you would then ask some questions back- for more information and also write something about what has been happening in your life too.
After writing all that you need to say, you should let the reader know that the letter is coming to a close. You could use expressions such as:
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.
Then you should ask the reader to keep in contact:
Write back soon!
Take care and keep in touch!
Drop me a letter when you can.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
When ending a letter you could sign off with a variety of expressions… obviously keep in mind the person you are writing to. In informal letter writing, the complimentary close is always very friendly:
Lot’s of love,
All my love,
All the best,
Best wishes,
With best wishes,
Remember, a comma always follows the complimentary close.
You should end your letter with a signature:
Here are a few things you should take note of:
In informal letter writing we use
informal language
simple, short sentences
simple linkers (well, but, because, also, then, however, later)
colloquial language (language that is appropriate for speech but not really for writing)
exclamation marks (!)
Task 1.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve who writes
Write a letter to Steve.
In your letter
Write 100- 140 words.
Remember the rules of writing.
St. Petersburg
November 10 th, 2010
Dear Steve,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I’m glad your sister got married. How are you getting on with her husband? Is he a student? What kind of music does he enjoy?
In your letter you asked me about the reading habits in my family. Well, my father often reads newspapers and magazines. He thinks that it is the only way to be in the know of everything. And my mother is keen on reading romances and modern novels. However, she wouldn’t mind reading about the life of well-known people.
As for me, I enjoy reading detective stories because they have interesting story lines and unusual endings. I’m particularly captivated by characters who conduct investigations.
Actually, I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight. Write soon!
Task 2.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes
Write a letter to Mary.
In your letter
Write 100- 140 words.
Remember the rules of writing.
Примерный вариант ответа
St. Petersburg
14 May 2010
Dear Mary,
Thanks a lot for your letter. I hope you passed your tests!
First of all, let me tell you about my one-week package holiday to Rome. Everything was OK, but we didn’t like our hotel. It was too noisy and the food was awful. We even had a stomachache and consulted a doctor. However, all the excursions were extremely interesting. We visited the Vatican and were impressed by the famous St. Peter’s Cathedral. I also enjoyed the Colosseum and other sights of Rome. All in all, we enjoyed our holiday.
And what about you? What are your plans for the summer? Will you come to visit us? Russia is a unique country and I’ll show you lots of interesting things. If you make up your mind, let me know what cities you would like to visit.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love,